Motieka & Audzevičius

Motieka & Audzevičius, advokatų kontora

Adresas:Gynėjų g. 4, LT-01109, Vilnius, Vilniaus m. sav.
Telefonas:+370 5 2 000 777
El. pašto
Interneto svetainė

Veiklos sritys:
  • Advokatai

Veiklos aprašymas:

Motieka & Audzevicius is known in the fields of Conflict Management, ADR & Litigation and Complex Transactions. Dispute resolution is the cornerstone of the work done by the firm. Our lawyers represent clients in all instances of courts in Lithuania and courts of international arbitration. Knowledge of conflict management techniques and thorough understanding of the litigation process provides competitive edge to our lawyers in advising clients differently in complex transactions. Motieka & Audzevicius perceives the clients not only as the ones who need the highest class legal services but also who need lawyers responsive to such clients’ business needs. The objective of Motieka & Audzevicius is to become trusted legal advisors of the clients in order to assist the clients in achieving their goals and solving their problems. Business education of the majority of the lawyers enables us to create the bigger value added to our clients. Our lawyers are knowledgeable of the ways to implement local, national and international business strategies. Know-how of the law firm contributes to successful management of conflicts, crises and other burdensome situations. Areas of practice: corporate & finance law, insolvency & restructuring, antitrust law, real estate & construction law, tax law, energy & environmental law, international investments, international trade law, PPP.

Įvertinkite šią įmonę

Įmonės ID: 117811
Perskaitė: 1793
Įtraukta į katalogą: 2010-04-10
Informacija atnaujinta: 2019-04-25

Atnaujinti informaciją
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Jūsų komentaras:


Įveskite kodą

Panašios įmonės

Civilinių bylų advokatas Klaipėdoje
Žvejų g. 2-314, Klaipėda

Skyrybų advokatas Klaipėdoje
Žvejų g. 2-314, Klaipėda

UAB Kreditorius
Filaretų g. 35, Vilnius

Versus veto, UAB
Aludarių g. 2-25, 01113 Vilnius

Advokato Arūno Stuko kontora
Kęstučio g. 59-12, 44303 Kaunas

G. Ruseckas ir partneriai, advokatų kontora
Tilto g. 12B, Vilnius

A. Strazdo g. 65

Ramunė Snarskytė
Jasinskio g. 7-18, Vilnius, Lietuva

Broniaus Kazio Balučio g. 3C, LT-11311 Vilnius
A. Goštauto g. 5

Lietuvos įmonės, parduotuvės